

On this occasion Avram, who now used the name of Michael, first introduced a healing ritual that bypassed the mediation of the Eyes of Belial. It had the distinct advantage over the old ritual in that it actually worked.

Standing apart from the crowd of people was a man named Sibiel who was said to have an unclean spirit. He continually cried out in a tongue that others knew not and the people crowded away from him out of fear. But there was, just then, a subtle shift in the noise of the multitude. Michael had begun to deliver his mid-morning sermon, and for this even Sibiel fell silent.

Michael said, “A lifetime ago the king of Rumbek conquered our city. He took into exile good King Gordiel and also many of the leading men of Shalem. Some of the faithless who remained behind adopted the ways of the land of Larund. They consecrated the temple of El to their king, a man they falsely elevated to the status of a god. But even in exile King Gordiel foresaw how a remnant would stand against this evil. Led by his son Raphael so they did. We were independent at last! But in truth Emperor Rimmon in Adan was our real king. He restored the temple of El and made it the wonderment of our people. But the cost of remaking the temple drove landowners to become tenant farmers, and tenant farmers to become day laborers, and day laborers to become bandits. The temple became a net capturing the wealth of the people to deliver it to distant Adan. What do we hear El telling us through all these events? After our hard-won victory we only managed to claw back a single generation of independence before losing it once again. El is telling us only he can bring a lasting end to foreign domination. Within the lifetime of many of you listening today El will overthrow the outsiders. But he will not dwell in a temple to be served by priests who grow fat on the skim from her offerings. El himself will be our temple, reigning from the Mountain of God. It only remains for you to ask yourself, are you ready for his direct rule? Your abominations are a broken chariot wheel that mars the road with every turn. It’s not enough to sacrifice an animal and patch the holes in the road that trail out behind your transgressions. You must repair the wheel itself and become pure before El. Who among you is ready?”

In the sudden silence no one stepped forward.

Then Michael’s attention was drawn back to Sibiel, for he had begun to make incoherent sounds once again. Michael grew filled with compassion and drew near to him. And Sibiel said to him, “Have you come to destroy us?”

Briefly Michael was horrified to imagine the inner state of this man, that he would speak so. Yet the man retained sufficient hope to seek out aid from Michael and the self-control to stand where he did. From the moment of his union with El Michael knew the human brain was just an organ like any other, subject to common ailments. But superstition born of ignorance had led people to believe the man’s irrational shouts were the mark of possession by evil spirits. Michael saw how all these things presented an opportunity for him. He said, “Enemy of man, hold your peace, and come out of him!” Then he touched the man’s bare skin with his hands.

The effect was so swift it surprised even Michael. Sibiel’s head cleared and he was no longer driven to make unfiltered shouts. Onlookers were filled with wonder that this Michael could command unclean spirits and they obeyed. Michael said, “Accept the forgiving mercy of El and go in peace.”

But at these words the Adanites interlopers who would set themselves in conflict with Michael were moved to make reply. One of them said, “It blasphemes the elohim to tell the ones you heal their transgressions are forgiven. Only the elohim can overlook the abominations of a man if he seeks out a priest and makes the required sacrifice!”

Michael gestured at another man lying on a mat before him, mute and unable to make any movements beyond involuntary trembling.

About Linuxgal

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